Profound brand & industry clarity for a luxury lifestyle underdog.

Digging deep into the process yielded a transformation for on Andre Booker.

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sakab life


Andre Booker got his start in the luxury world by designing his very own line of mens watches. His dreams were beyond just time pieces. He knew he wanted to enter the luxury lifestyle space but wasn’t sure how to go about it.

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The Challenge

YDA’s visual identity was at odds with the actual brand of the youth center. The most common misconception is that they are a real estate company, due to the logo.

Lack of coherent design and no set guidelines meant that every customer touchpoint was random, leading to no brand awareness at all.

Parents in the community weren’t aware of who or what YDA was. This presented a problem when asking for public funding. 

YDA executive director, Rod Miller, recalled not being able to make the Town Board truly understand why YDA was essential to the community.

sakab life

The Solution

YDA’s visual identity was at odds with the actual brand of the youth center. The most common misconception is that they are a real estate company, due to the logo.

Lack of coherent design and no set guidelines meant that every customer touchpoint was random, leading to no brand awareness at all.

Parents in the community weren’t aware of who or what YDA was. This presented a problem when asking for public funding. 

YDA executive director, Rod Miller, recalled not being able to make the Town Board truly understand why YDA was essential to the community.

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sakab life
sakab life
sakab life
sakab life
sakab life

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