Owning their origin story, this is the glass hero NYC deserves.

Strategy turned a weekend hustle to a New York City powerhouse.

amaro glass


The Amaro’s are born hustlers. Doing what needs to be done to create a better life for their family. Their business needed a complete brand & go to market strategy.

What they knew was glass. Installs, repairs & safety. What they didn't know was how to take that service idea to market.

amaro glass
amaro glass

The Challenge

Working a side hustle is no easy task. Bringing that idea to fruition is time intensive and requires focus.

The Amaro’s knew they needed a strategy to capture the trust of property and home owners throughout New York City. They had an idea for a name but were unsure of how to brand it.

They approached Boch Creative with a name of Luxury Window Repair. They were unable to get things going, finding it tough to get repeat customers or build up any sort of brand loyalty.

The Solution

Finding time for late night meetings was one of the biggest challenges but scheduling aside, we knew the Amaro’s needed help.

One of the first workshops we had worked on their name. Luxury Window Repair didn’t quite roll off the tongue. After researching the market to understand their positioning, we came up with a new name to make it personable, memorable and clear, with every pun fully intended.

Amaro Glass was born.

With the new name came a new visual identity starting with a logo. One mark to help them build brand awareness and consistency.

One of the next designs was a new custom work shirt that detailed their services, contact info and kept the design in line with the new brand direction.

amaro glass
amaro glass
amaro glass
amaro glass
amaro glass
amaro glass
amaro glass

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